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Thank you for considering a Donation to Bree’s Law. Inc.

  • We have been advocating and self funding since 2015. 

  • As of February 2020, Bree’s Law, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, has begun to accept donations.  Your Donation is tax deductible!


What we have done:

  • After Bree was murdered in 2014, we passed two life saving laws.

  • In 2015, HB44 “The Alaska Safe Children Act” (Erin’s Law & Bree’s Law) requiring Child Sexual Abuse and Teen Dating Violence Prevention Education to be taught throughout Alaska. 

  • In 2018 HB214-Bree’s Law, funded and named education to be taught in Alaska as “Bree Moore Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Program.” 

  • Bree's Law launched a successful statewide awareness campaign; we worked with the Governor and the Dept. of Education. 

  • We designed, printed, and distributed 3,500 Bree's Law Posters with an 800# teens can call or text for help, download above. 

  • We sent posters to all 354 middle and high-schools throughout the state of Alaska. 

Results achieved:

  • When we started working to pass Bree’s Law in 2015, dating violence in Alaska led the nation. 

  • By the end of 2017, dating violence decreased substantially in Alaska, by almost half. 

  • The state of Alaska is currently developing Bree’s Law curriculum that can be taught not just in Alaska but nationwide. 

How your donation will help:

We print and distribute posters, speak to teens, parents, the staff at schools, as well as to the general public, at assemblies, events, seminars, etc., where we share Bree's story along with our journey of passing laws to protect our youth.  We are working with our Alaska Senators and Congressman in Washington DC who have put bills forward to name Teen Dating Violence Prevention Education nationwide as "Bree's Law" to tell Bree’s story across the country.  Nationwide, ‘Bree’s Law’ will create awareness, influence change and save lives with Bree's powerful story, just like the Amber Alert.


Your Tax Deductible Donation will help save lives!

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                                                                            © 2018 - Bree's Law Inc. is a 501(c)(3)   205 E Dimond Blvd.  #550, Anchorage, Ak 99515

Education • Prevention • Support • Advocacy


Our sincere appreciation to our

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