February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (TDVAPM). In Anchorage, Alaska & Nationwide
Wear Orange Day is Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2019 "Get your Orange On"
Wear Orange Day
Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2019
Everywhere: Nationwide, Alaska & Anchorage!
Wear Orange Day is a National day of awareness where we encourage everyone to wear orange in honor of Teen DV Month. You can wear orange shirts, nail polish, ribbons, jewelry, shoes or anything else you can think of! Tell people why you are wearing orange and post pictures and updates on Instagram and Twitter using the hashtags
#Orange4Love #RespectWeek2019 #teenDVmonth #BreesLaw.
Teen DV Month (sometimes called TDVAM) is a national effort to raise awareness about abuse in teen and 20-something relationships and promote programs that prevent it.
Dating violence is more common than many people think. One in three teens in the U.S. will experience physical, sexual or emotional abuse by someone they are in a relationship with before they become adults. And nearly half (43%) of dating college women report experiencing violent and abusive dating behaviors. Help us spread awareness and stop dating abuse before it starts!